The group of Grand Robbery Auto video games started with the original Grand Theft Auto game, which in turn was obviously a 2D, top-down game. The first one had clunky controls and a thready story, but it lay the groundwork for the series that was to adopt. The game presented the world to a trio of GTA places, as well as the flexibility to carry out missions.

The Grand Theft Vehicle series has been around for quite some time, and the operation has continued to release games that have been popular for years. Despite the fact each name has something different to offer, all the titles very funny, unique, and classics within their individual right. Some of the best GTA game titles include the main and Grand Theft Automobile III, which usually changed the overall game and unveiled players to a few new game mechanics.

Grand Theft Auto IV was released in 2002 and was a huge hit. It combined free-roaming with co-op missions, and lots of fans consider it to be among the best games ever. Taking place in 1980s Vice City, the overall game introduced fantastic characters and features the best missions in gaming record.

Another of the best GTA online games was Freedom City Content, which was a success on the Nintendo wii Portable. It available one million copies worldwide in a month after its release. Though it didn’t sell as well as GTA, it nonetheless managed to touch the series in a new direction.

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